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                about us

                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. was established in September 2007. In the initial period, the company's main business is related to Italian brand NewTom CBCT sales and service in China mainland, and some area of South East Asia. With the rapid development and huge demand of dental field, it gradually covers the below products and service: Treatment equipment (laser / dental chair/ multifunctional surgery chair), Laboratory products (lab bench workstation/ 3D printer) Dental clinic design (dental cabinets designed and made in Italy) , Dental education products (surgery broadcasting system/simulation phantoms for education and etc. Providing dental and general hospitals, high-end outpatient clinics, and professional colleges at home and abroad with digital, comfortable and intelligent oral comprehensive solutions, and offering professional and timely technical support services.

                Since 2016, SINOTEC Medical Technology CO., Ltd. started merging upstream enterprises to integrate the whole chain including R&D, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and service. In July 2016, SINOTEC Medical Technology CO., Ltd acquired the company Light Instruments holding by Syneron, a former NASDAQ-listed company in the United States. The Er: YAG (Nd: YAG) laser and Diode laser equipment developed and produced by this company have been widely used in the field of oral treatment. In March of the following year, SINOTEC Medical Technology CO., Ltd. completed the merger and integration of the company Dentaray, which produced and developed the first 9.6μm CO2 laser in the world.

                In February 2018, Chongqing SASAC (State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission) guide fund successfully invested SINOTEC, which officially entered into Chongqing High-Tech Zone, and formed the whole supply chain including the headquarters based in Beijing ,R&D, manufacturing sites based in Israel and Chongqing. Since The 26th of July 2019, Sino-lta International Trading Co.,Ltd changed name to SINOTEC Medical Technology CO., Ltd. In the future, SINOTEC will continue to focus on the overall comfortable, digital and intelligent solution, and become a flagship brand of precision digital healthcare.

                • 2007
                • 13
                  years of continuous grinding and innovation
                • 4
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                • CT Series
                • Therapeutic Product Series
                • Digital?Laboratory Workstation
                • Education Product Series
                • Clinic Environment series
                NewTom GiANO HR- Maximum Quality , 3D, PAN/CEPH Functions In Just One Piece

                The model NewTom GiANO HR is available not including China mainland market. 

                NewTom GiANO HR has a convenient USB interface and user-friendly operation interface. Scanning, image reconstruction analysis and other steps can be easily completed by computer. At the same time, device operation and image display can be controlled by iPad, the multi-functional integrated NewTom GiANO HR is your wise choice.


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                LiteTouch Er:YAG Dental Laser

                LiteTouch Er:YAG Dental Laser is suitable for hard tissue and soft tissue, with features of fast cutting, high-efficiency. Its advantages of minimally invasive and painless make comfort therapy possible.      


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                Sisma 3D printer

                EVERES ZERO and UNO are professional 3D printers based on DLP “Digital Light Processing” technology, designed and built to offer a user experience which has never been explored before. The self-alignment and self-zeroing of the building platform, the resin vat in non-degenerative material due to the photo-curing process, high printing speed, automatic resin loading/unloading together with the “Click&Make” software function deliver the ultimate 3D printing experience.


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                G.COMM Iris View-A dental lamp with a built-in Full HD video camera

                Iris View is a unique product because it is a dental lamp with optics that are designed to guarantee optimum illumination of the oral cavity. The integration of a video camera makes it a complete visual instrument, conceived for dentistry and all of its needs. Iris View is a responsible product because it gives your eyes the light they deserve and treats your wellbeing with the importance it demands.


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                SARATOGA Medical/Dental Cabinet

                SARATOGA was established in Italy in 1973, focusing on the design and production of dental clinics Clinic Cabinetry. Saratoga and Pininfarina. Learning from experience. Pininfarina, the top Italian design team, is the lead designer. Pininfarina, a world-renowned design company, was established in Italy in 1930. The shapes of the classic Italian sports cars Ferrari and Lamborghini's supercars were all designed by Pininfarina. All objects designed by Pininfarina are reflected in its lines, grace and elegance, and integrate aesthetic concepts into life. 


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                NewTom GiANO HR- Maximum Quality , 3D, PAN/CEPH Functions In Just One Piece

                The model NewTom GiANO HR is available not including China mainland market. 

                NewTom GiANO HR has a convenient USB interface and user-friendly operation interface. Scanning, image reconstruction analysis and other steps can be easily completed by computer. At the same time, device operation and image display can be controlled by iPad, the multi-functional integrated NewTom GiANO HR is your wise choice.


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                LiteTouch Er:YAG Dental Laser

                LiteTouch Er:YAG Dental Laser is suitable for hard tissue and soft tissue, with features of fast cutting, high-efficiency. Its advantages of minimally invasive and painless make comfort therapy possible.      


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                Sisma 3D printer

                EVERES ZERO and UNO are professional 3D printers based on DLP “Digital Light Processing” technology, designed and built to offer a user experience which has never been explored before. The self-alignment and self-zeroing of the building platform, the resin vat in non-degenerative material due to the photo-curing process, high printing speed, automatic resin loading/unloading together with the “Click&Make” software function deliver the ultimate 3D printing experience.


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                G.COMM Iris View-A dental lamp with a built-in Full HD video camera

                Iris View is a unique product because it is a dental lamp with optics that are designed to guarantee optimum illumination of the oral cavity. The integration of a video camera makes it a complete visual instrument, conceived for dentistry and all of its needs. Iris View is a responsible product because it gives your eyes the light they deserve and treats your wellbeing with the importance it demands.


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                SARATOGA Medical/Dental Cabinet

                SARATOGA was established in Italy in 1973, focusing on the design and production of dental clinics Clinic Cabinetry. Saratoga and Pininfarina. Learning from experience. Pininfarina, the top Italian design team, is the lead designer. Pininfarina, a world-renowned design company, was established in Italy in 1930. The shapes of the classic Italian sports cars Ferrari and Lamborghini's supercars were all designed by Pininfarina. All objects designed by Pininfarina are reflected in its lines, grace and elegance, and integrate aesthetic concepts into life. 


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                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved | Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun | ByBOLEHU
                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved
                Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun