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                CT Series Therapeutic Product Series Digital?Laboratory Workstation Education Product Series Clinic Environment series
                CT Series
                CT Series Therapeutic Product Series Digital?Laboratory Workstation Education Product Series Clinic Environment series
                NewTom GiANO HR- Maximum Quality , 3D, PAN/CEPH Functions In Just One Piece

                The model NewTom GiANO HR is available not including China mainland market. 

                NewTom GiANO HR has a convenient USB interface and user-friendly operation interface. Scanning, image reconstruction analysis and other steps can be easily completed by computer. At the same time, device operation and image display can be controlled by iPad, the multi-functional integrated NewTom GiANO HR is your wise choice.


                Product Overview Download

                NewTom GiANO HR was made in the world's first pioneer company applying cone beam technology in the field of oral cavity. It provides ideal solutions for dental professionals who seek perfection in the treatment plan. Combining NewTom's advanced technology and extremely high cost performance, NewTom GiANO HR is regarded as the most competitive 2D/3D image integration product in the industry. According to the actual operation requirements, NewTom GiANO HR can provide 2D and 3D images, including cephalometric images and wrist joint images. NewTom GiANO HR with 2D capabilities can be upgraded to a device with 3D and Cephalometric functions at any time. NewTom GiANO HR adopts a modular design, which has the advantages of short scanning time and low radiation volume, making treatment more perfect and faster.


                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved | Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun | ByBOLEHU
                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved
                Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun