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                CT Series Therapeutic Product Series Digital?Laboratory Workstation Education Product Series Clinic Environment series
                Clinic Environment series
                CT Series Therapeutic Product Series Digital?Laboratory Workstation Education Product Series Clinic Environment series
                SARATOGA Medical/Dental Cabinet

                SARATOGA was established in Italy in 1973, focusing on the design and production of dental clinics Clinic Cabinetry. Saratoga and Pininfarina. Learning from experience. Pininfarina, the top Italian design team, is the lead designer. Pininfarina, a world-renowned design company, was established in Italy in 1930. The shapes of the classic Italian sports cars Ferrari and Lamborghini's supercars were all designed by Pininfarina. All objects designed by Pininfarina are reflected in its lines, grace and elegance, and integrate aesthetic concepts into life. 


                Product Overview Download

                SARATOGA was established in Italy in 1973, focusing on the design and production of dental clinics Clinic Cabinetry. Saratoga and Pininfarina. Learning from experience. Pininfarina, the top Italian design team, is the lead designer. Pininfarina, a world-renowned design company, was established in Italy in 1930. The shapes of the classic Italian sports cars Ferrari and Lamborghini's supercars were all designed by Pininfarina. All objects designed by Pininfarina are reflected in its lines, grace and elegance, and integrate aesthetic concepts into life. 

                SARATOGA combines ergonomics, modular design, and modern innovative design concepts. Its products are not only classic and practical, but also a model of the Dental Clinic Cabinetry: its details are based on space, equipment, and industry standards. The design, in the diagnosis and treatment process for patients, maximizes the smoothness of the work process, improves work efficiency while enhancing the level of sensory control, and effectively prevents cross-infection of bacteria in the clinic.


                PF line

                PF line is an exclusive line developed by the Saratoga team with the cooperation of the designer Paolo Pininfarina. Pininfarina is a world-renowned design company, founded in 1930 inTurin, Italy. Italy's classic sports cars Ferrari, Rolls Royce, Lamborghini's many supercars are designed by Pininfarina, its strong design team and design aesthetics have established a high position in the design world. Through cross-border cooperation with SARATOGA, a professional manufacturer of Dental Clinic Cabinetry, its unique aesthetics are integrated into oral medical practice.


                PF line: international patents

                Patent One:

                Integrated keyboard: Removable trays make medical operations more convenient and accessible tools to maximize hygiene and safety efficiency. The non-slip design of the pallet prevents the tools from falling off, and the mechanical engineering design has further facilitated the practice of various techniques.


                Patent Two:

                Multifunction infrared mixing tap: Multifunction infrared mixing tap, the cleaning water and the disinfectant are perfectly integrated, and the cleaning and disinfection can be completed by simply placing your hand on the water outlet to sense it. There is no touch control and no cross-infection, which improves the safety and health of medical staff during operation.


                Standard Composition

                This series is derived from the manufacturing practice of excellence, which allows SARATOGA to optimize the production process and ensure the greatest flexibility in customization. Its unique product design can meet the needs of different customers.

                Ergonomic design:

                Dentists sit for long periods of time to treat patients every day, repeating the same actions, accumulating over time, especially easily causing occupational diseases such as cervical spondylosis. Unnecessary actions during the diagnosis and treatment process further reduce work efficiency. SARATOGA thoroughly studied the operating habits of medical staff and proceeded from the ergonomic principles to design the side cabinet products. In addition to the aesthetics and storage requirements of the side cabinets, we also pay more attention to the health of medical staff. We hope to reduce unnecessary actions of medical staff through clever design and layout, thereby improving work efficiency and operating comfort.


                 Sensory control standards:

                -Worktop: SARATOGA's Dental Clinic Cabinetry are all made of anti-pollution materials, especially the worktops are made of Italian Hi-Macs marble, which is a smooth, non-porous, wear-resistant, highly effective anti-fouling, and easy-to-clean solid surface material.


                Durable and cost-saving:

                Except that the cabinet itself is made of metal material, every part of the SARATOGA Dental Clinic Cabinetry is made of high-quality metal materials, which are antibacterial, corrosion-resistant, easy to clean, and durable. And every process from design, production to transportation is strictly controlled. SARATOGA attaches great importance to the needs of the Chinese market. In order to meet the requirements of maximizing the interests of users, according to the characteristics of the Chinese market, SARATOGA has specially developed and customized a series of standard combination styles. Users only need to choose one according to the actual situation. While enjoying high quality, save time, effort and money! Professional oral durability is the first choice of many professionals.



                Multifunction removable S_tray

                The integrated multifunction removable S_tray can be combined with the SARATOGA clinic cabinetry with a height of 80cm. Because SARATOGA's clinic cabinetry are modular in design, they can be customized according to customer needs and space limitations.

                The handles of each drawer of SARATOGA clinic cabinetry are top designed. Depending on the specific needs of the customer, the drawer can be opened with or without a handle, and can be divided into mechanical or electric. The non-touch operation during the whole process maximizes cleanliness and reduces cross-infection. The design of the sink is also independent, which maximizes the use of space while ensuring hygiene.


                The multifunction removable S_tray integrated with the clinic cabinetry allows doctors and assistant to easily access various surgical instruments, suitable for two-handed or four-handed operations. It is helpful for doctors to move in all directions during the treatment process with patients as the center, which will greatly improve work efficiency, reduce fatigue operations, and reduce the incidence of occupational diseases.


                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved | Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun | ByBOLEHU
                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved
                Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun