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                News & Events
                Marketing Activities
                Novel cutting-edge dental laser line will be presented at IDS Exhibition Cologne, Germany 12 - 16 Ma


                Light Instruments, inventor of LiteTouch? and the Laser-in-Handpiece technology, is honored to announce the launch a new line of dental lasers, at the upcoming International Dental Show (IDS) in Cologne, Germany, taking place from 12 to 16 of March 2019.


                In a recent Interview for “Laser- International magazine for laser dentistry”, Mr. Eric Ben-Mayor, CEO of Light Instruments expressed: “Today, as the front-runners of the dental laser market, I am excited to announce that we are expanding our variety of high-end dental lasers. In addition to the D-Touch which is our newly developed diode laser, we have added the Dentaray brand to our portfolio and it is an unmatched CO2 laser, the first and only 9.6 μm wavelength.”


                Light Instruments` new dental laser line is attracting a lot of interest all over the world. The brand new 9.6 wavelength device’s promising features were presented by top academy researchers last October during the WFLD & ISLD Congress in Aachen, Germany.


                Come over and experience Light Instruments exclusive dental lasers, the world`s leading minimally invasive laser technology!

                Hall: 4.1 Booth: A091.

                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved | Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun | ByBOLEHU
                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved
                Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun