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                News & Events
                Marketing Activities
                The 24th International Dental Exhibition丨SINOTEC Medical Technology CO., Ltd.?presents a full range

                The 24th China International Dental Equipment and Materials Exhibition and Technology Exchange Conference ended successfully at the Beijing National Convention Center on June 12, 2019. The exhibition has an exhibition area of 50,000 square meters. More than 800 companies from 24 countries and regions around the world will participate. The exhibition will set up an innovation demonstration area, a poverty alleviation public welfare activity area, a new product and new technology promotion area, and various academic exchange activities will take place in turn. More than 100 dental experts and scholars gathered together to focus on the development of the dental industry. It has brought more development opportunities and challenges to China's dental medical industry.

                The company is renamed SINOTEC Medical Technology CO., Ltd. Since its establishment in 2007 for 12 years, SINOTEC has been innovating continuously in the new era and new environment based on the field of dental medicine, and gradually formed a comprehensive series of integrated solutions for imaging→treatment→technician→teaching→office environment integration and digital oral cavity. Provide high-end, reliable and precise medical equipment for domestic and foreign dental and general hospitals, high-end clinics, and professional colleges, and provide professional and timely technical support. At this exhibition, Meizhongyi brought many top international brands such as NewTow and LiteTouch to make a big appearance, and dedicated a brand-new technological feast for many visitors.

                How to find out the essence of live exhibits? The editor will take you through one by one.


                CT Series

                NewTom 5GXL- High-end CBCT with the patient in a lying down position

                The only horizontal cone beam CT-5G on the market can better display some soft tissues (such as TMJ , limb joints and ligaments, and ENT, etc.).


                NewTom VGi evo- HiRes Image, Multiple FOV

                NewTom VGi evo is the most ultra-competitive device, a single-scan examination of an anatomical region as large as 24x19 cm, rotating-anode generator with a focal spot of 0.3 mm, suitable for low-exposure high-definition protocols and post-operative checks and follow-ups. 

                NewTom GiANO HR- Maximum Quality , 3D, PAN/CEPH Functions In Just One Piece.

                NewTom GiANO HR- Maximum Quality , 3D, PAN/CEPH Functions In Just One Piece

                GiANO is regarded as the most competitive 2D/3D image integration product in the industry. Through the modular optimization system of NewTom GiANO HR, 2D Sensor can be easily upgraded from PAN to CEPH at any time and even the CBCT 3D imaging function.



                Ultra-precision, focus 0.4mm, power 70kV 8mA, quick installation, wireless control (remote control), this device is equipped with wireless control technology with the purpose of making the operation simple and easy to use. Accurate diagnosis, high-quality imaging, and low X-ray doses.

                3dMD Facial Dynamic Capture System

                The 3dMD imaging system is the most widely used ultra-fast, high-precision 3D surface imaging equipment in the world's leading teaching institutions, hospitals and private clinics, with a world-renowned reputation for accuracy, speed and reliability.


                Therapeutic Product Series

                LiteTouch Er:YAG Dental Laser

                It is used for medical operations on oral hard tissues and soft tissues. It has the advantages of fast cutting, high pulse energy, and no fiber. Its advantages of minimal invasiveness and less pain make comfortable treatment possible!

                Stern Weber Dental Units

                Unique design, its backrest, leg rests, and foot rests can move synchronously, and the foot rests can stretch back and forth. With powerful multimedia functions and disinfection system, it is convenient for doctors to operate and improve the level of control in the clinic.

                EDGEM Multispecialty Examination and Treatment Chair

                EDGEM is a highly comprehensive and practical comprehensive surgical chair integrating inspection and treatment. Innovative technology and research and development enable it to be used in various public or private outpatient surgery and surgical centers.

                Laboratory Workstation

                SARATOGA S-LAB High-end Laboratory Workstation

                An innovative armrest opening system, drawers with“push pull”system and a modern wheeled drawer unit make it particularly suitable for use in schools and training centers.

                Sisma 3D Printer

                EVERES ZERO and UNO are professional 3D printers based on DLP “Digital Light Processing” technology, designed and built to offer a user experience which has never been explored before.


                Education Product Series


                G.COMM Iris View-A dental lamp with a built-in Full HD video camera

                A dental lamp with a built-in Full HD video camera. Iris View is an innovative product because it allows enlarging and viewing of the operating area, filming and recording of the operation and setting the functions from an iPad.

                Futudent Oral HD Micro Camera

                The world's first 4K micro HD camera for dental professional applications. Without affecting the operation, the shooting becomes more professional and easier! Three different models can be combined with high-power microscopes, dental chairs, etc., among which the microCam body weighs only 12g and is equipped with a Sony IMX sensor.


                SARATOGA  High-End Dental stimulation unit

                Peculiarly shaped as a triangle, Smily is a patented unit featuring innovative ergonomic characteristics designed by the top Italian design company "Pininfarina", which is famous for designing Ferrari. The powerful teaching software system realizes the perfect interaction between teaching and learning.


                Clinic Environment series


                SARATOGA Dental Clinic Cabinetry

                High-end, artistic design, fully installed oral side cabinet imported from Italy. All metal materials have no harmful substances, which improves the level of control in the clinic. Advanced ergonomics design improves doctors’ work efficiency, and the decorative panels can be customized.


                EZ DISPLY Intelligent Touch Screen Negotiation Table -- A new experience for dental consultation

                It helps the dental clinic to realize digital doctor-patient communication, consultation negotiation, diagnosis and treatment plan comparison confirmation, DSD aesthetic design analysis, visual simulation comparison of restoration process, accurate digital measurement analysis of orthodontic implants, standard aesthetic evaluation, Digital medical technology order docking. It can be customized according to the style and size required by customers.

                Kunshan Chengmei Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.

                After years of in-depth research on the dental industry, Kunshan Chengmei Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. has rich design and construction data and experience. Adhering to the concept of allowing doctors to work easily and conveniently, and providing patients with a comfortable and pleasant experience, relying on professional overall solutions, international resources, and efficient execution to serve every customer who pursues quality!


                Our products have nearly 1,000 domestic users, covering major public hospitals and large private dental groups. At the same time, the company is actively expanding overseas markets and global layout. The products are exported to North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. Realize the business philosophy of global integration development. SINOTEV looks forward to cooperating with you~

                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved | Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun | ByBOLEHU
                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved
                Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun