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                News & Events
                Marketing Activities
                Small Body, Great Accomplishment——LiteTouch Unveiled at the 1st World Dental Laser Medicine Federati


                On November 8-11, 2019, the "First World Dental Laser Medicine Association Asia-Pacific Conference" with the theme of "Laser Irradiation on the Road to Excellence in Dental Medicine" and the Fourth National Academic Conference of the 2019 Chinese Dental Laser Medicine Professional Committee The "Conference" was successfully held in Beijing Oriental Grand Hyatt Hotel. This conference will focus on the clinical application and basic research of laser in oral and maxillofacial surgery, endodontics, periodontal implants, low-energy lasers, etc. to fully communicate the oral cavity in the form of expert lectures, special forums, case reports, poster exchanges, etc. New developments and new applications of lasers, discuss how to use lasers to make excellent progress in dental diagnosis and treatment.


                Group Photo

                The domestic dental laser application and research have attracted attention after rapid development in recent years. It has good international exchange relations and reputation in the world, especially in Asia. In the past two years, it has continued to communicate and cooperate with international societies. This academic activity is a good display And foreign exchange opportunities, to introduce advanced clinical and basic research results of dental laser medicine to the country, and to show the relevant progress of domestic clinical and scientific research to international counterparts.

                Mr. Wang Xing, Honorary President of the Chinese Stomatological Association, said in his speech that the development of Chinese dental laser medicine cannot be separated from the joint efforts of medical colleagues and enterprises. Adhering to the theme of this conference, SINOTEC specially invited Professor Ben Ong, who has decades of experience in dental laser applications from Australia, to share the clinical applications of dental lasers. The content covers erbium lasers in analgesia, prevention, and endodontic restoration. , Oral surgery, periodontal disease and effective use in implant surgery. In addition, we will personally operate on site to demonstrate the use of LiteTouch fiberless erbium laser and the precautions for application in different organizations.


                     Dr. Ben Ong is delivering a speech and performing field practice

                Among different lasers, Er:YAG laser is the most suitable for the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant inflammation, because it can effectively ablate periodontal soft tissues with minimal thermal side effects without affecting tissue healing . The laser can be used to treat tooth roots, bones and implant surfaces. On November 10th, based on clinical research and case reports and other data, Dr. Ben Ong launched a detailed sharing exchange on the application of erbium laser in dental implantology, including how to use the specific wavelength of erbium laser in dental implantology. Various applications.


                Speech by Dr. Ben Ong

                Speech by Dr. Du Qing, Peking University Third Hospital


                Chairman Mr. Zhao Jizhi said that knowledge knows no boundaries and academics know no borders. Only through sharing and communication can we shorten the gap and make progress. This is also true. I hope that as a company, we can also contribute to the development of dental lasers in China.


                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved | Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun | ByBOLEHU
                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved
                Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun