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                Training & Education
                2019 International Dental Laser Certificate Course -Trip to Bulgaria
                2019-08-07 16:06:12


                The 2019 Meizhongyi International Dental Laser Certificate Course will be held in Bulgaria as scheduled from July 30th to August 5th. Sofia, Bulgaria is the political, economic, and cultural center of the country. It is located in western Bulgaria. It is a tourist attraction and a world-famous garden city.

                From July 30th to August 2nd, the three-day course training was held at the famous Plovdiv Medical University. We are honored to invite the world’s top dental laser masters Prof. Georgi Tomov, Dr. Blagovesta Yaneva, and Dr. Nikola Nikolov to share with you valuable academic experience. The trainees are mainly excellent doctors from first-tier dental hospitals and clinics in North China, East China, Northwest and Southwest China.

                The course is closely related to the thematic content of the combination of oral laser theory and practical application. Several lecturers combined their years of clinical experience with the accumulation of digital technology, and discussed with the participants about oral diagnosis and treatment under digital guidance. The students Not only received professional theoretical guidance, but also received professional practical training. In addition, the students also observed and learned the whole process of patient diagnosis and treatment on-site at the dental clinic in Plovdiv.

                Plovdiv University is located in Plovdiv, Bulgaria’s second largest city. Founded in 1945, the school is the largest higher education institution in southern Bulgaria and the second largest comprehensive university in Bulgaria. Plovdiv University has a history of nearly 70 years. In this centuried university, the students relived the fond memories of reading in their youth.


                Training at Plovdiv University

                The "International Dental Laser Certificate Course" organized by SINOTEC Medical Technology CO., Ltd. is committed to providing advanced technology at home and abroad. It’s a communication platform for learning and communication for the majority of dental practitioners, with the purpose to improve professional knowledge and professional skills, and inject strength into the dental medical industry. This original intention is highly recognized and affirmed, and the local TV station carried out special reports and publicity for it.

                After three days of theoretical and practical learning, the trainees have gained a lot and expressed their worthy trip. They solved the practical problems and problems they encountered in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with lasers. After the training, they received Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Dr. Mariana, the vice president of the Medical University, received the "Professional Training Certificate" personally issued by her.


                Professor Tomov and Principal Marianna issued the "Professional Training Certificate" to the trainees

                The students ushered in a cultural experience tour after the intense course. Walking in the city, you can see tombs from the Thracian period, theaters from the Roman period, frescoes from the Byzantine period, and Turkish-style mosques. There are even socialist buildings. In this diversified city, conducting academic discussions and cultural exchanges with industry leaders is not only an academic feast, but also a collision of ideas and a blend of cultures.


                Bulgarian Cultural Tour

                So far, the seven-day study tour in Bulgaria has come to a successful conclusion.

                Parting is to meet again. SINOTEC Medical Technology CO., Ltd. will hold regular domestic and foreign training activities every year. Please pay attention to the WeChat Official Account for the follow-up highlights. Let us look forward to see you next time!


                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved | Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun | ByBOLEHU
                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved
                Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun