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                CT Series Therapeutic Product Series Digital?Laboratory Workstation Education Product Series Clinic Environment series
                Education Product Series
                CT Series Therapeutic Product Series Digital?Laboratory Workstation Education Product Series Clinic Environment series
                G.COMM Iris View-A dental lamp with a built-in Full HD video camera

                Iris View is a unique product because it is a dental lamp with optics that are designed to guarantee optimum illumination of the oral cavity. The integration of a video camera makes it a complete visual instrument, conceived for dentistry and all of its needs. Iris View is a responsible product because it gives your eyes the light they deserve and treats your wellbeing with the importance it demands.


                Product Overview Download

                At G.COMM we believe that quality of work is strictly correlated to the possibility of perceiving the smallest details in the area of operation. Out of this belief comes Iris View, a dental lamp with a built-in Full HD video camera. Iris View is an innovative product because it allows enlarging and viewing of the operating area, filming and recording of the operation and setting the functions from an iPad. All of this is possible without the need to change the way you work or long learning periods.

                Iris View is a unique product because it is a dental lamp with optics that are designed to guarantee optimum illumination of the oral cavity. The integration of a video camera makes it a complete visual instrument, conceived for dentistry and all of its needs. Iris View is a responsible product because it gives your eyes the light they deserve and treats your wellbeing with the importance it demands.


                The detail that makes the difference

                In dentistry having control over the details makes the difference and adds quality to your work. Iris View is equipped with a Full HD resolution (1920x1080px) video camera with Autofocus, which allows you to view the operating area with a 30x optical Zoom.

                The potential of this instrument as applied to the dental medical field is significant: viewing a detailed image of the operating area, highlighting the details which are difficult to see with the naked eye, amplifying the visual capabilities of the professional and relieving eye-strain, leading to important progress in work methods.

                Thanks to the controls on the light and the My Light App, the recorded images can be managed based on the needs of your work. The central position of the lens and the alignment of the illuminated axis with the optical axis guarantees optimum filming.


                Record, Document, Share

                The development of dental practices, increasingly computerized, creates the need for an exchange of information and multimedia documents to be catalogued and preserved. Iris View offers the opportunity to record and transmit the operations in high definition. Moreover the video signal allows the connection to a wide range of devices.

                The possibility of recording and viewing operations is quite useful in various scientific con-texts such as conferences, conventions and university lectures.


                The use of a video camera facilitates and improves communication both with the patient and with specialized personnel. In the diagnosis phase diseases can be clearly shown on the monitor, making comprehension of the problem simple and immediate.

                During the operating phase specialized personnel can follow the evolution of the operation in real time and at the end the results of the work done can be assessed.


                More Ergonomic Less Stress

                Iris View improves wellbeing in your daily work activities. The use of the monitor lets you work in complete comfort because the operating area can be observed in indirect vision. Therefore the dentist is not forced to maintain an incorrect posture bent over the patient, but can operate sitting upright, thereby reducing stress on the spinal column and consequently decreasing the risk of professional ailments such as cervical problems, lumbar trouble and orthopaedic diseases due to incorrect postures which are typically assumed during treatments.


                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved | Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun | ByBOLEHU
                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved
                Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun