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                CT Series Therapeutic Product Series Digital?Laboratory Workstation Education Product Series Clinic Environment series
                Education Product Series
                CT Series Therapeutic Product Series Digital?Laboratory Workstation Education Product Series Clinic Environment series
                SARATOGA Simulation Teaching System

                Peculiarly shaped as a triangle, Smily is a patented unit featuring innovative ergonomic characteristics and a high technological content. The materials and technical solutions chosen for Smily make it the ultimate tool for teaching dental practice.In the last few years, practical experience has fostered further know-how increases in the simulation units sector. That is how Smily E and Smily Junior - two articles which are ever-more closer to the market’s specific requirements - were generated.


                Product Overview Download

                · About Pininfarina 

                Pininfarina is a design company famous for designing Ferrari, founded in 1930 in Turin, Italy. Focusing on designing sports cars with beautiful lines, its strong design team and design aesthetics have established a high position in the design world. Through cross-industry cooperation with SARATOGA, a professional manufacturer of dental simulation benches and models, its unique aesthetics has been integrated into medical teaching practice.



                → Smily simulation benches and models is specially developed for universities and dental schools, and features a modular structure helping to maximize space through the creation of self-contained "Learning islands".

                → Smily simulation benches and models is a simulation bench and multimedia station.

                → Smily : ideal for the work of a single person or of a couple, it can also be adapted for left-hand writers.

                → Nikron?-made, stain-, acid- and solvent-resistant, top. Maximum hygiene guaranteed.



                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved | Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun | ByBOLEHU
                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved
                Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun