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                CT Series Therapeutic Product Series Digital?Laboratory Workstation Education Product Series Clinic Environment series
                Therapeutic Product Series
                CT Series Therapeutic Product Series Digital?Laboratory Workstation Education Product Series Clinic Environment series
                Stern Weber Dental Units

                For customers out of China mainland, please find the website £º

                http://www.sternweber.it for more products information. 

                Stern Weber is committed to using innovation to meet the actual needs of different customers, and to better serve your work. Thanks to the ergonomics and comfortable design, our dental unit has become a comprehensive, comfortable, safe and efficient treatment center.


                Product Overview Download

                Stern Weber is committed to using innovation to meet the actual needs of different customers, and to better serve your work. Thanks to the ergonomics and comfortable design, our dental unit has become a comprehensive, comfortable, safe and efficient treatment center.


                ¡¤ Comfortable medical treatment is an inevitable trend in the development of human medical science.

                ¡¤ Motorized leg rest movement; independent and synchronized with backrest movement. 

                ¡¤ Suspended chair with 90¡ã rotation and motorized leg rest to facilitate communication between doctors and patients.

                ¡¤ The conversation position and the treatment position can be switched at will, allowing the patient to get on and off the dental chair more gracefully.

                ¡¤ Powerful and self-compatible platform, can integrate implanter, root canal motor, and piezosurgery.

                ¡¤ Large-size fully digital intelligent touch control panel, makes operation easier and clear.

                ¡¤ Large-size medical full-digital touch display multimedia applications are easy and high efficient.

                ¡¤ The BIOSTER system carries out automatic end-of-session spray water circuit disinfection cycles.

                ¡¤ The Atlaxis headrest that follows the patient¡¯s anatomy. Ultra-simple fingertip release of the pneumatic lock allows orbital movement to achieve perfect positioning, vertical adjustment included.

                ¡¤ Targeted lighting, advanced versatility VENUS PLUS MCT LED, three different settings optimized for different circumstances.

                ¡¤ A variety of personalized treatment chair positions and mechanical parameters can be set and stored at will.

                ¡¤ Pedal type foot control panel, linearized output of instrument power and speed.

                ¡¤ Up to 14 color series can be selected at will to meet different clinic styles.

                ¡¤ 6 series, 17 styles, and different personalized configurations, there is always one that suits you.

                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved¡¡|¡¡Add£ºRM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun¡¡|¡¡By£ºBOLEHU
                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved
                Add£ºRM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun