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                CT Series Therapeutic Product Series Digital?Laboratory Workstation Education Product Series Clinic Environment series
                CT Series
                CT Series Therapeutic Product Series Digital?Laboratory Workstation Education Product Series Clinic Environment series
                NewTom VGi evo- HiRes Image, Multiple FOV

                The model NewTom VGi evo is available not including China mainland market.

                NewTom VGi evo is the most ultra-competitive device, a single-scan examination of an anatomical region as large as 24x19cm, rotating-anode generator with a focal spot of 0.3mm, suitable for low-exposure high-definition protocols and post-operative checks and follow-ups.


                Product Overview Download

                The most complete CBCT. NewTom VGi evo is an ultra-modern, ultra-technological, ultra-competitive device, and has been developed from the engineering evolution of the NewTom range.

                Compact design

                Modern ergonomics provides maximum technology within a compact space.

                Eco Mode

                With more than 20 years of experience in R&D and production, Eco Scan technology protects the health of patients and medical staff alike.


                User-friendly display

                A simple single-scan examination of an anatomical region as large as 24x19 cm allows investigation of the entire maxillofacial area for aesthetic/functional orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment purposes.


                Comfort and performance

                The latest-generation head support unit provides simple, reassuring patient positioning and excellent image quality.


                Comfort and performance

                The latest-generation head support unit provides simple, reassuring patient positioning and excellent image quality.


                Maximum versatility

                Volumetric examination, Panoramic, Teleradiography and Serial X-rays. All on just one device.


                NewTom VGi evo: COMFORT AND PERFORMANCE 

                Cutting-edge efficiency

                Maximum patient stability due to the development of a chinrest that allows fast access and natural positioning. Outstanding structural ergonomics guide the user effortlessly and ensure good outcomes from the very first examination.

                During the procedure, three lasers trace the reference lines for the area of interest. A mirror in front of the chinrest gives an all-round view of the patient, letting users check for correct positioning and maintain patient-reassuring eye contact.

                Correct positioning can be checked at the next stage before proceeding with scanning via the use of two scout images (later-lateral and antero-posterior). These two images allow perfect alignment.



                NewTom VGi evo : A REVOLUTIONARY IMAGE CHAIN

                NewTom VGi evo introduces a new image chain consisting of elements that boost standard CBCT performance:

                -A larger, better-performing sensor (flat panel) allows investigation of volumes of up to 24x19 cm with an improved signal/noise ratio; ;

                -A rotating-anode generator with a focal spot of 0.3 mm, suitable for low-exposure high-definition protocols, for post-operative checks and follow-ups.

                -The extremely high quality 1:1 scale images. These are of outstanding utility to specialists, who can then process the data by selecting the voxel as per individual requirements.

                In addition to these characteristics, users also benefit from faster examination and data transmission, allowing analysis of results in record time.


                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved | Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun | ByBOLEHU
                SINOTEC Medical Technology CO.,Ltd. All rights reserved
                Add:RM 617, BLK A, Cyber Tower, No.2 Zhong guancun